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About Your Birth  Helper®



Natural Birth Training

 Coach Training

Art of Relaxation / Massage 

VBAC Training

Overcoming Unexpected Situations 

Choices in Birthing

Epidural Free Labor/Birth

Low Intervention Birth

Avoiding Induction

Positive Communications

Push Phase Techniques

Labor & Birth Photography


Finding the JOY in your "Birth"day

Postpartum Options

Perinatal Mental Health

Fetal Demise Support


Just like running a true marathon, you would not sign up for a race the next day, next week and maybe not even next month.  Likewise, you must use your 9 months wisely. There is much to learn to get a baby out of our body.  12 weeks or shortly after is the perfect time to begin childbirth education and birth training.  Our YBH motto is... "you begin as students, but you end as #birthfamily!" It would be our utmost pleasure to assist you in both preparing & executing birth. And, if you find you want us to come alongside as your doula, the pleasure to help you execute a happier "birth" day would be all ours, regardless of how the baby exits your body.



We have to have a contraction to give birth. What we do not have to experience is more discomfort on top of the contraction from doing things incorrectly. Birth is the most athletic event a woman will ever do.  One worth investing and taking accountability of your daily choices. WE HAVE ONLY ONE OPPORTUNITY TO GET THIS BABY OUT.  Sadly, there are no re-do's.  If you just rely on your provider to tell you what to do, you are not part of the decision making process.  It is not their job to teach you what to do during contractions and labor is certainly not the time to be learning.  When you fail to prepare, you leave everything in your medical providers hands.  Do yourself a huge favor and invest early into preparing for your own birth experience!  Be actively involved in the decision making.  DO YOUR PART TO PREPARE YOUR BODY AND MIND TO GIVE BIRTH!  


Our YBH journey to #SymbioticBirth...

Your Birth Helper® is founded on practical principals:

~ with quality childbirth education, couples are made        aware of their options


~ with options, you plan your target birth. With practice of what you have learned, comes an increased ability to execute labor

~ with proper training both mom & dad/coach know what to expect & how to work with contractions to overcome obstacles


When these principals are learned and applied,

FEAR IS REMOVED from the birthing process & REPLACED WITH CONFIDENCE! 

For the average woman, there is no such thing as a completely painless birth experience.  Inevitably, at some point during this motherhood journey from pregnancy, labor, birth, or during postpartum you will experience some form of discomfort and pain.  Now, how you react to it is up to you.  John 16:21 shares, "when a woman is in labor, she is unjoyful, but as soon as the baby is born her heart is filled with JOY." 


Birth can be very unpredictable, what applies to one mom may not apply at all to another.  Therefore, keep it simple.  Future parents, select a likeminded provider and birth place even if that means transferring care.  One who will come alongside and encourage you to meet your own birthing goals, not do business all their way.  You are a paying consumer.  Expect something for your money.  Pregnancy is not an illness.  As a healthy person you have lots of options.  Train and practice daily.  When you becoming a relaxation expert, everything life throws your way you can face with NAMASTE!  Preparation is truly key to facing all the joys and challenges of becoming parents.  CALM IS KEY to achieving even more ENJOYABLE MOMENTS, BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE BABY IS BORN. 

Healthy Regards,

Pamela F. Sauls, CCE, CD, CMT



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Our highly trained Your Birth Helper® Doula's are currently serving clients in-person in four states & nationwide virtually.  We have a strong desire to help others experience a low intervention childbirth.  By eliminating routine interventions that do not apply to you, having only what's medically necessary to safely get baby out, our clients can experience what we like to call #SymbioticBirth aka happier "Birth"days! 


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